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August 2023

Top 7 Source Collaboration Software

Big corporations and businesses have never grown or thrived by only one person. It is always a team effort. The foundation of a successful organization is teamwork as it has the potential for fostering systematic ways of collaborating. Collaboration between an organization develops and enhances the skills of team members and helps their employees to be more productive in work. Whereas the lack of communication leads to miscommunication and delays in completing the projects. Software that enables a group to communicate...

7 ways social media can help you grow your app

In today’s modern world the social media has became an important part of our lives. It has become perfect too for developers to reach out their user base and to enhance the app visibility. Each year, we spend more and more time than year before. as per reports in 2018 the usage of internet is 136 minutes per day, which is up from 135 daily. With billions of active users all over the different platforms, it offers an incredible opportunity to...

The New Era paved by Mobile Edge Computing

With the emergence of new 5G technology, which provides much higher speeds than 4G network, one can process humongous amounts of data in real-time that can help businesses improve their performance. Using this technology along with mobile edge computing can reduce the latency significantly. Why 5G Needs Mobile Edge Computing: 5G is the only network that can accomplish speed and latency targets that are required for mobile edge computing. Once 5G get full coverage, it can support ecosystem of new...

How To Change Your Movie Watching Habits – Theatres Are Passe

Theaters were one of the most popular sources of entertainment back in the day. Originated in the 5th Century in Greece. But with the rise of streaming platforms, the theater industry has been on a decline for quite some time now. This is the era of streaming platforms, video-on-demand and it has changed how we consume cinematic content. Theaters are still one of the most classic ways of consuming acting drama but with time we have to change how...

15 Growth Hacking Strategy for SaaS Startups in 2019

“Growth hacking” is a phrase that makes us think about computer hackers in dark rooms, surrounded by big multiple monitors, clicking their way to infinite wealth. Hacking has always been a mystery, and growth hacking is no different. What is Growth Hacking? “Growth hacking” started its journey by becoming more than a lingo. Not many could understand what it was, and a lot less knew how to implement it, but it sounded pretty quick when incorporated into a pitch deck. The growth...

Super charge your life with exciting new social media mobile apps-twelve!

Social media refers to the means of interacting with people on a particular platform of space without meeting them physically. In which they can create, share, and exchange information and thoughts virtually. It is a powerful tool that connects friends and family and stays up to date on current events. In the recent few years, we have seen flooding of mobile apps in which social media apps. So, in this article, we are going to talk about 12 new social media mobile...

Mobile Healthcare Application Security: Perception Vs Reality

Mobile Healthcare apps or mHealth apps are the ones that are built on or downloaded in mobile phones to store our health related data. Several devices are now available in the market that detects your health aspects like heart health, respiratory health, mental health, sleep schedule, etc. These devices are capable of detecting the overall health of the body or to which body part they are assigned to monitor and then use that data to produce results that are...

Solution of Mobile App Marketing Challenges

With the increasing number of smart phones and increasing number of mobile apps. the market is a racing ground where everyone wants a win. Hence, developers challenge numerous challenges as developing an app doesn’t guarantee the user engagement. Suppose an app is finished but without any marketing strategy there is no-way user is going to download it without knowing its benefits and features in so many available options. So, to tackle this problem the mobile app marketing takes it place....