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Emerging Trends of Messaging Apps

Messaging Apps in today’s world have become a huge success. Nowadays, people like communicating on messaging applications rather than text message. And why not, messaging apps are also free to communicate. The charges of the messages come under the data plan we take. So, there’s not a big difference between the both but people like using messaging apps as it is bit more fun with all the attachments, Gif’s and stickers that you can use. Here are some emerging...

Footprints During Pandemic Covid-19

In mankind's history, covid-19 is one of the deadliest plagues where more than 80 percent of the human population is affected by it. It is a main reason of disruption of the daily lives of common people, so lockdown was one of the only solutions that came to mind at the time . The footprints refer to the impact which humans have on the environment, so the precaution taken by implementing lockdown and social distancing has a significant effect...

Chat GPT

How to Use ChatGPT in Effective Ways for Your Career

ChatGPT: How to Use It An AI chatbot named ChatGPT can respond to any inquiry a user may have. ChatGPT is trained to participate in discussions using the Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback technique, which combines machine learning with human input (RLHF). To access the model and use it for their own apps, developers must first register for an OpenAI API key before using ChatGPT. Cons and Pros of ChatGPT The state art language model used by ChatGPT can produce very...

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing- A New Path to Success

Digital Marketing is a component of marketing that uses the internet and digital technologies in order to promote products and services. It has many constituents which help in the growth of any business. They are of very much help in boosting your image and your business. There are many companies that provide services for digital marketing. Ajath Infotech is one of the companies that provides digital marketing services. Digital marketing is a huge niche that includes a number of elements....

Top Mobile App Development Company

Want to develop a successful app? Grab a free consultation

Mobile app development is the process of building applications that run on mobile devices. There are different kinds of apps that are developed which are Android applications, IOS applications, hybrid applications and native applications. The technologies that are used to develop these apps are C++, HTML, Python and JavaScript. The people who work behind the development of any kind of app are known as mobile app developers. Mobile app development is one of the booming sectors in the country and people...

Want to get your android app developed? Read to know

An android app development company is a company that works on the development of mobile apps through an operating system that involves software such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ajath Infotech is the next best android app development company it is in this industry for almost 10 years it is been included in the list of leading companies in India. They have a team of developers who are highly professional and also innovative in their thinking. They also have...